Home Learning

27th March

Its Funny Friday in Reception!

We have fun every day in Reception but we also have ‘funny Friday’ in our class.

Instead of our usual phonics session to start the day we sing and dance together or share favourite stories. Follow this link below to find the song for the day – when you click on the link, scroll down for the Friday song – all about being bonkers! Have fun singing and dancing.


There are also songs for the weekend on this link.

Writing: Your final ‘picture of the day’ for this week – have a go at writing a sentence about this picture. Can you try and include the word ‘and‘ in this sentence?

Reading: As before, read one of your school books or look at the reading post on the main page of the website. For an extra challenge, can you make a cosy den where you can read today?

Maths: Picture starter – adults, give your child/ren some paper for free drawing but cut the paper into a different shape e.g. square/triangle/circle – see what they draw! Please email me any exciting results!

Other: As you know, we had set up a bird-watching area in our classroom and children had great fun making binoculars and watching out for birds on the feeders. We saw a robin and some blue tits. Maybe you could do this at home? Let me know how you get on. This link might be useful. Mrs Kench also thought that birdwatching at home would be a great thing to do.


Extra challenge: We also have ‘Tidy Friday‘ in our classroom each week so make sure you tidy up your toys and your bedroom!

Have fun and enjoy your weekend.

Mrs Puddick.