Home Learning

Monday 20th April 2020

English task

Our English tasks for the next few weeks will be based on a story from long ago in Ancient Greece. It is called ‘The Myth of Pandora’s Box.’

Use the link below to read the start of the story and then complete the first task on a piece of paper or in your writing book. Use your imagination and be as creative as you can! You could also add some labels or descriptive phrases to describe your box. (e.g. bright, glistening jewels. It was made of the finest oak. The wood was as smooth as silk.)

Year Two – English Task Day 1


This week’s words to learn are:






These words all focus on the ‘l’ sound at the end of words spelt ‘el’. You could try using the ‘look, cover, write, check’ method to help learn how to spell each word.

Mrs Clark will set the spellings task on Friday, as usual, to see how well you’ve learnt them. You can do it!

Arithmetic task

On Friday, we would like you to complete missing number multiplication calculations for the 5 times table, like the ones shown below, so please continue to practise and learn facts for the five times table this week.

Test: Fill in the missing number.

__ x 5 = 10

__ x 5 = 45

__ x 5 = 15

You could draw groups of 5s and then label each group to help e.g.

1 group  00000 is 5

2 groups 00000 00000 is 10

3 groups 00000 00000 00000 is 15 etc.


Maths task

Today we will be continuing with our learning from before Easter which was all about three dimensional shapes.

We would like you to look at Lesson 4 in the Maths No Problem Textbook (page 92) which is all about grouping 3D shapes based on their properties e.g. by shape, by types of faces – flat or curved, by size, by number of faces/edges/vertices, by the shape of the faces – the 2D shape etc.

You could find objects around you that are the same shape as 3D shapes and use them to help you with your groupings. See if someone can guess how you have grouped them and then see if you can guess how they have grouped the shapes in the ‘Guided Practice’ section of the lesson.

We would then like you to complete pages 76-78 in your Workbook.

Extra Reading Material

If you are looking for something to read today, please head over to this link:

Hide and Seek Activity Card


We wish you well with your home learning tasks.  Please get in touch via email if you have any questions or would like to share your achievements.

Happy learning!

Mrs Murray and Mrs Clark