Home Learning

12th May

Tasks for Tuesday

Picture of the day: Look at this tiny picture, created using leaves. What can you see in the picture? What do you think they are doing? Try writing a sentence about this – you could use the word and to join up two ideas to tell me. No sentence starter today but try to include the word tree in your sentence. Remember, it has a letter blend at the beginning (tr).

Phonics: Letters and Sounds lesson 8

Phase 4 challenge: Letter Blends.

Just like yesterday, sound out these words to write into your phoneme frames. The letter blend at the start is br.

brown    bring    brush    bright

Some tricky ones today – watch out for digraphs (ow, ng, sh) they share a box in the frame – 2 letters make 1 sound. There is also a trigraph! Here is one to help you.





Reading: Sing along with some of our favourite rhymes today. Click on the titles. Don’t forget to visit your book nooks too!

brush your teeth

5 currant buns

The beehive

Incy Wincy Spider

Maths: White Rose Day 2 (The Very Busy Spider). Have fun with some number stories and spider exercises!


Other Activities

Tiny Things: Following on from our picture of the day, have a look at these beautiful tiny pictures. They have been created using natural objects – can you see what has been used? I can see leaves and flowers. Can you see that there are some parts of the pictures which have been drawn too? See if you can create your own tiny pictures – collect some tiny treasures to use. Then decide what you could create and off you go! I can’t wait to see what you create.

P.E: Tuesday is our P.E day so why not try out one of these challenges from Footy Pups on CBeebies. If you do not have a football, use any ball. If you do not have a ball at home you could use rolled up socks! Have fun.



Getting Outside: Try this bug activity.

Make a mini bug hotel
Can you find an old plant pot out in the garden, or an old mug you no longer use? They make brilliant bug hotels! All you have to do is fill your pot or mug with natural materials to transform it into a luxury abode minibeasts will love.

Hunt around your garden for crackly dry leaves, twigs, hollow stems, dead grass, pine cones and bits of bark and stuff them inside. These are the perfect materials to help create warm, dry spaces that will attract different creepy crawlies. Place pot or mug on its side (so it doesn’t fill with rain), leave it in a sheltered corner of the garden and wait for its grateful new residents to move in.

Singing: Finish off with some singing.