Home Learning

Year 1 Spellings and Maths for week commencing 28th June 2021


Please support your child at home to learn the words / phrases below. These will NOT be tested next week, but we will be using them as part of our instruction writing where they will need to be spelt correctly.



After that





This week in math’s we have been learning about capacity. This is how much liquid a container can hold. We have been focusing on the vocabulary of ‘full’ ‘almost full’ half full’ or ‘half empty’  ‘almost empty’ and ’empty’ to describe the volume  of liquid inside of containers and make comparisons.

You can support this at home by talking about the volume of liquid inside of glasses when having a drink and comparing the capacity of different containers that you have at home. It is important to note that the containers need to have the same capacity in order to compare them.

The key difference that children need to know is that the capacity is how much liquid the container can hold and the volume is how much liquid is actually there.


Thanks for your continued support