Home Learning

15th May

Funny Friday!

Welcome to Funny Friday! Our page always looks a bit different on a Friday – I hope you have fun exploring these activities.

Singing: We love to start the day with some singing and dancing.

Another song to celebrate our love of reading and our amazing book nooks this week.

A picture to make us smile: You can write a sentence about it or just enjoy talking about it.

Phonics: The next video lesson link will be on the home learning page on Monday. If you would like to play some phonics games, remember to visit https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources  for your favourite games (Phase 3 or some of phase 4)

Maths: It is day 5 of the White Rose Maths – The Very Busy Spider. Remember to watch the video then try out the activities.


Spider Fun!

Try out some of these spider activities to finish the week.

How about making spider biscuits-decorate a plain biscuit to look like a spider; or you could decorate a paper plate or a circle of card to make it look like a spider; why not go on a spider hunt outside or can you create a tunnel to crawl through like Incy Wincy Spider!

Drawing Challenge: Draw round lots of different sizes of circles, then draw legs and eyes to turn them in to spider friends. Or have a look at this short video to help.


Incy Wincy Spider: sing along to this modern version!


Have a great weekend. Next week we will have a new Animal Adventure theme. (Thankfully no more spiders for Mrs Puddick!)