Home Learning

16th June 2023


Thanks again for the continued effort on Lexia with children at home. They are so excited when they receive their certificates in assembly and we can see the difference it makes to their reading.

The website to access this is:


Please encourage your child to login for a few minutes as often as possible. Ideally, each child would complete approximately 40mins a week. The children do login at school, but we are unable to provide them with the amount of time they really need to benefit fully from the program. Please record in their Reading Record when they have used it.

Thank you so much for your support with this. It can make a huge difference to your child’s confidence and ability in reading.


Appologies for the muddle up with reading books this week!

We will give out new books as normal next Wednesday and should then be back on track.

We visit the library on Tuesdays and Thursdays where they can be changed.

Please record ALL reading in your child’s reading record so that we can see that reading, story sharing or other reading for pleasure has taken part every day at home.

Reading records and reading books are expected to be bought into school every day to be monitored and to record when your child has read in school.


We are continuing to learn words taken from the Year 1 National Curriculum. These are ‘common exception’ words that your child is expected to be able to spell independently in their writing by the end of Year 1. You will notice that some of these words your child is familiar with from Reception. Please practise writing the words below together. We will repeat some of these words as we get towards the end of Year 1.

We will ‘test’ these spellings next Friday. The scores will be in your child’s reading record for you to see and to continue practising any words that they need further support with. We are starting to focus a lot more on these words when writing and will be using the Year 1 spelling list in all of our writing sessions.

This weeks words are




We’ve now completed the factions unit in maths and have moved on to a small unit about using positional and directional language (above, below, next to, left, right). We have started by describing turns as either quarter turns, half turns, three-quarter turns or full turns. This is something you could practice doing at home with your child to make them comfortable with the vocabulary.

Here is the video to support the classroom learning: