Home Learning

20th November


This week’s words to learn are:

material  special  social  official  burial

They will be tested on Friday 27th November in school.

Parents: all words are selected from the age-appropriate National Curriculum list of statutory words. These are words your child has to know by the end of Year 4. Children are being taught strategies for learning spellings as part of their work at school. ASK YOUR CHILD ABOUT THE PYRAMID AND THE WORD SHAPE STRATEGIES. They’re a fun way to help learn spellings. Please encourage them to practice at home during the week, and carry out an occasional test to prepare them for Friday morning.

On Friday after school, please ask your child their score.


This week’s math’s home learning is to become fluent in the 1st six division facts for the 3x table

18 ÷ 3 =        15 ÷ 3 =           12 ÷ 3 =        9 ÷ 3 =       6 ÷ 3 =        3 ÷ 3 =

Don’t forget that there are lots of different ways to ask division fact questions:

What is 12 divided by 3?

How many 3s are in 12?

How many groups of 3 are in 12?

Practicing counting in threes will help with this.

If you want to challenge yourself see if you can spot any patterns in this counting in 3’s sequence

On Friday after school, please ask your child their score.