Home Learning

Daily Tasks – Friday 1st May 2020


Read through and proofread the portal story you completed yesterday:

Does every sentence make sense?

Are there some spellings that you need to check?

Could you include some extra adjectives and adverbs to provide more detail?

Look at the verbs you have used. Could you have used more precise or more powerful verbs?

Look at the structure of the sentences that you have used. Do some begin with fronted adverbials? Have you included additional information using parenthesis and have you used commas, dashes or brackets to separate the information from the rest of the sentence?

Does your dialogue move the action on or give your reader an insight into the emotions your characters are experiencing?

Could you improve a sentence by altering the word order?

Once you’ve thought about the above, write or type a final draft of your story incorporating the correct spellings and other changes that you have made. Remember, you’ve done the hard work and written your portal story, now ‘polish it’ and make it as good as you possible can.

Why not ask someone to take a photo of you acting out your favourite part of the story? Email me the photo with a caption explaining what is going on. 


Answers to Mental maths Quiz 6:9


Today’s task: Mental maths Quiz 6:10, first nine questions



Maths No Problem

Answers to workbook pages 155/156

Today’s task: Chapter 14 Lesson 3

Read and complete the In Focus task. Answer these questions:

Is it possible to find the age of each person when we know the mean age? 

What will be the total of their ages?

Is there more than one possible answer to the question?

Can you write three or four different solutions?

Can you find the youngest possible age? Can you find the oldest possible age?

Read through the Let’s Learn section carefully. Do you think the mean age is a good indicator of how old five people are? Which other type of average might sometimes be better? 

Complete the Guided Practice section on page 225. The answers to question 2 are ‘yes or no’ but remember to include a numerical example to back up your yes/no answer.