Home Learning

Daily Tasks Friday 24th April

Good morning everybody!

Here are your tasks for today:


Mental Maths Challenge: 8x tables

Parents, please show your children the following sums and ask them to write and complete them in their journals.  This is how we test them on Friday mornings at school!  Let me know your scores everyone and good luck!

3 x 8 = ___

___ x 8 = 48

9 x 8 = ___

___ x 8 = 40

2 x 8 = ___

___ x 8 = 96

10 x 8 = ___

___ x 8 = 8

7 x 8 = ___

___ x 8 = 32

8 x 8 = ___

___ x 8 = 88

Maths No Problem: Textbook 5B Chapter 10 Position and Movement

Lesson 6:  Chapter consolidation.

Textbook:  Today, we are going to complete the chapter consolidation (I have intentionally skipped lesson 5) for chapter 10.

Please discuss and describe the translations and reflections in the journal activity with your child on page 148 of the textbook.  You could fill-in the Self-Check with them before or after completing the chapter review.

Workbook:  Please work your way through the review on pages 89 – 92.

The answers to this week’s work, including the review, are in a gallery at the bottom of the page.


Reading:  Your child should try to read for at least 20 minutes every day.  Remember to log on to Accelerated Reader and complete quizzes for all the books you have read!

If you have a Lexia account, try to log on and complete at least 15 minutes a day.


Parents, please dictate the following sentences for the children to write out, using their spellings set before the Easter holidays.

In class, I read the word to be tested first, then say the sentence, then read the word again.  Year 5, please remember to underline the word you are testing in your sentence.

Good luck and let me know how you get on!

1. He had a clear conscience as he had made no wrong choices.

2. Please come and visit at your earliest convenvience.

3. The frequency is the number of times something happens.

4. She had no tolerance for nastiness or silliness of any kind.

5. Oobleck is an unsual substance which is great fun to play with.

6. The office had a job vacancy I was thinking of applying for.


Here are your new spellings:






Please write them in sentences of your own and keep practising them ready for the sentence test next Friday the 1st May.

Topic: History

Over the next few weeks,  I would like us to undertake a History Project into our home town of Weymouth.  I think it is a lovely opportunity to learn a little bit about our local past which has helped to shape the town we live in today.  And you’ll be suprised, the history of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis has more to offer than you may think!

I thought it would be great to start with the history of our own homes, so your task for this week is to find out anything you can about the history of the house where you live.

You could ask your parents, relatives or neighbours for anything they may know, any tales or stories they have heard or any documents they may have.  I am lucky enough to have been passed the original architects drawings for my house:

You could search online for any local history pages which may have photographs of your road.  If you live in a new estate, could you find anything about the land use before the house was built?

I have googled Southill Weymouth History and found some Francis Frith old map images of Southill and Radipole which are interesting to view.

It would be lovely to hear about anything you may find out, no matter how big or small!