Home Learning

Daily Tasks – Tuesday 5th May

Tuesday 5th May

Good morning everyone.

Maths No Problem

1st Answer pages for  Monday’s  Chp 9 Lesson 2

Today’s lesson: Chapter 9       Money Lesson 3    Comparing amounts of money

Lesson Objective: To be able to compare amounts of money.

Textbook pages:  66 – 68     Workbook pages   47

Lesson Notes: To begin this lesson, show pupils the In Focus task and tell them your friend cannot decide which fruit and vegetables to buy and wants to compare the prices. Which digit do you think my friend should look at first when comparing the amounts? Why? What if this digit is the same, what should he compare next? Which item is the most expensive/least expensive? How do you know?

Compare the prices of pineapples and mangoes (Let’s Learn). How much is each item? Compare the pounds, thinking aloud. Repeat the same process with each comparison, thinking aloud to make the process explicit to pupils, e.g. Tomatoes and oranges both have the same digit in the pounds column so that means I need to compare the value in the pence column or the tenths and hundredths. Instead of writing the words ‘greater than’ and ‘less than’ every time, I wonder what symbols I could use?

During Guided Practice, pupils are comparing amounts of money.

WHITE ROSE MATHS            https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/

If you want some more maths to do, or perhaps a break from Maths No Problem, go to the link below. It is by White Rose Maths who have created some video lessons and associated worksheets (+answer sheets) for each year group. It is very good and self-explanatory. Have a look and see what you think.

Mental Maths / Arithmetic

Subtracting  fractions with the same denominator

Here is a tutorial link to remind you.

Open this pdf file to find a worksheet + answers (note … this worksheet has a page of additions fractions and a page of subtraction fractions – for tomorrow’s lesson). Don’t worry if you don’t have a printer, just copy out the questions in your exercise book. You don’t have to do all the questions on the sheet (there are loads).



Writing Task

T4W The King Of The Fishes

This week I would like you to continue to write out your own innovated story using the plan that you made last week.

I would like you to continue to write 1 section each day so that you can focus on using the writer’s skills that you practiced last week and you can ensure that you have accurate spelling and punctuation.

So today, have a go at writing section 3 – page 20

If you wrote out the whole story last week then this week I would like you to practice your reading comprehension.

Open this link that will take you to Espresso


You will be asked for a username and password (maybe in another tab)

Username: student10987          Password: southill123

When the link opens, you will see 8 different books. Choose a different one from yesterday, read the extract, take the quiz and answer the further questions.


Don’t forget to practice this week’s spellings: experience, experiment, extreme, famous, favourite

Make sure that you know the meaning of each word. Perhaps you could write sentences with the words in.


Please don’t forget to read today. ‘The more you read, the more you know. The more you know, the more places you will go.’ You should be able to access the book quizzes and don’t forget to go on Lexia (if you have a log in) for 15 minutes each day. Well done everyone.