Home Learning

Daily Tasks Wednesday 13th May

Good morning everybody, here are your tasks for today:


Mental Arithmetic: 12x tables.

Today I would like you to use your Race Around The Clock board we sent home in your closure packs.  Starting the clock, fill in the blank squares by multiplying the number in the squares above by 12. Let me know how long it takes you to complete the track!

Please access your TTRockstars account as well using your Purple Mash logon details and play some games.  Remember, your scores will count towards our whole school competition scores against other local schools this week!

Maths No Problem: Textbook 5B Chapter 11 Measurements.

Lesson 11:  Converting units of time.

In Focus:  The In Focus task is meaning to ask us: How long is each movie?  If we convert the duration of the two movies into minutes, might this help to solve the problem? How many minutes are there in 1 hour? How many minutes would there be in 3 hours? Discuss how to convert the hours into minutes and add them together. Can we show this as a bar model? What will be the same? What will be different?

Let’s Learn:  I would now follow the Let’s Learn sections one at a time to follow how to draw and use the bar model and partitioning to calculate the length of each film.

Once you have the total amount of minutes, all you need to do is divide the total by 2. Is this correct? Discuss how first you need to subtract 50 minutes from the total and then divide the total by 2. So what is 50 minutes less than 230 minutes? How many minutes remain? What is half of the remaining amount? Have we now answered the question? Is the answer 90 minutes? What else do we still need to do? What do we know about Revenge of the Sith? It is 50 minutes longer. What do we need to do with the 50 minutes we took off at the beginning? Put it back on to the 90 minutes: 90 + 50 = 140. Revenge of the Sith runs for 140 minutes. How can we convert 90 minutes and 140 minutes into hours? What do we need to know? How many multiples of 60 are there in 90? How many minutes are left over? How many multiples of 60 are there in 140? How many minutes are left over?

Guided Practice:  During Guided Practice, you are converting minutes into hours and minutes and vice versa.

Workbook:  Please complete worksheet 11, p.119 – 120


Reading:  Well done to those of you who are reading widely and completing quizzes, keep reading for at least 20 minutes a day and regulalrly complete quizzes for the books you have read.  If you have a Lexia account, please log on and complete at least 15 minutes a day.

Don’t forget your Book Buzzes! If you have recently read a book which you would really like to Buzz, send it through to me and I will include it in next week’s Home Learning blog post.


Please use your storymap to revisit our Talk For Writing ‘Rhiswanozebtah’ information text from Ted Splorer.

Today we will develop our author skills and innovate the Rhiswanozebtah text to create our own information text about this Blue-headed Iguana!

Let’s take a look at the ‘Appearance’ section of the Rhiswanozebtah text – this shows us what it looks like:

Rhiswanozebtahs, although uncommon, are easy to identify, as they are a mixture of four distinct animals. They have the head of a rhino, the body of a swan and zebra and the tail of a cheetah. They have a wingspan of 2.8 metres and can grow to over 5 metres in length, which means they are the largest flying creatures since Pterodactyl dinosaurs. Additionally, their skin tends to be covered in feathers but as they get older, the zebra stripes become more prominent. Their tails are covered in fur and their heads are covered in leathery, grey skin. However, juveniles are born completely bold and develop their fur, feathers and colourings when they mature.

Your task is to rewrite this paragraph so that it provides information about the Blue-headed Iguana instead.

Using the ideas & sentence patterns from the paragraph above, try out some new appearance ideas. You should be able to write in facts to replace the ones in blue below.

1. Start by introducing the creature and why it’s easy to identify
Rhiswanozebtahs, although uncommon, are easy to identify, as they are a mixture of four distinct animals.

Blue-Headed Iguanas ______________________

2.  Next, describe what they look like in detail using the model paragraph below to help you.  Try to add on some extra information using a clause like this: … which means … (This is an example of the relative clauses we looked at a few weeks ago.)
They have the head of a rhino, the body of a swan and zebra and the tail of a cheetah. Furthermore, their wingspan reaches 2.8 metres and they can grow to over 5 metres in length, which means they are the largest flying creatures since Pterodactyl dinosaurs.

They have ______________________________

3.  Now, add on some further information about how they look.
Additionally, their skin tends to be covered in feathers but as they get older, the zebra stripes become more prominent. Their tails are covered in fur and their heads are covered in leathery, grey skin.

Additionally _____________________________

4.  Finally, give some contrasting information using ‘however.’
Mature Rhiswanozebtahs are famous for their thick fur. However, juveniles are born completely bold and develop their fur, feathers and colourings when they mature.


Topic: History

Well done and thank you to all of you who have sent me your topic work, I am loving seeing your timelines and reading your questions.  You are all staying so focused and resourceful it is just great to see!

This week we are thinking about historical events which have happened in Weymouth and Portland.

Have a look at this website page, 10 Top Historical Facts about Weymouth.  Have a little read through and see if there is anything there you did not already know!

The Historical Facts are in the wrong date order, so your task is to draw a timeline in your journals and list the events in the correct order.

Now, imagine you could meet someone from any of those events and you have an opportunity to interview them.   Which questions would you ask them to find out more about their experiences?!