Home Learning

Friday 11th Feb 2022


Over the past few weeks we have been recapping some of our tricky words in Year 1. There are lots of these words which we are becoming more confident at reading and now we are going to practice writing them as they come up quite often in our writing across the curriculum.

Please support your child at home to learn the words below. If they are finding this difficult, please just focus on one or two of them.

school        your     friend     people


This week we have been looking at tens and ones in 2 digit numbers.

We have looked at how these numbers have ‘tens’ in them. There are 2 number blocks episodes that will really help to reinforce the learning that we have done this week. Watching these videos and talking about them together at home will really reinforce the learning that is happening in school.

The first is ‘Tens place’ which focuses on teen numbers and how these numbers all have ten in them. This helps to reinforce that the are ’10 and some more’.


The second is ‘Heroes with Zeros’ this helps us counting up in 10s. Please support your child at home to count up in 10s verbally. Matching the ‘tens number’ to the written numerals on their 100squares will help to reinforce the link between the amount of tens and the zero at the end.



Thanks for your continued support