Home Learning

Friday 14th May – spellings to be tested Friday 21st May


This week please focus on these words, they all end with -ly. We have been looking at word endings and will continue to focus on these over the next few weeks. I will not be testing the children on these exact words, but we will focus on them being knowing that they need to apply -ly at the end of words. For example, I may ask them to write loudly. I will be looking for them to apply -ly at the end even if ‘loud’ is incorrectly spelt.







This week in Maths we have been looking at partitioning numbers into tens and ones. We have been looking at 2 digit numbers and comparing them using the terms greater than, less than and equal too. It is really important that your child is able to identify that numbers below 100 are made up of tens and ones. For example – 86 has ‘eight lots of ten’ and ‘6 ones’.

You can support this at home by asking your child to write down a 2 digit number – such as 42.Then ask them – how many tens does it have? How many ones?

Alternatively you can write the number, ask them to tell you what the number is and how many tens and ones that it has.

This is a really important concept that is built upon as your child moves through the school. Your support at home makes a big difference when building upon these skills in other areas of maths.
