Home Learning

Half term


Our next writing unit is based on recounts. In order to help the children get used to verbalizing a recount using past tense in the correct way, we would like the children to all draw a picture of something they do over half term. Please get them to draw it after the event so that they can add details to their drawing which match what actually happened. This could be a visit to see family, a trip to the cinema, a soggy wellie walk or any other memorable day. Please could the pictures be bought in at the beginning of next half term. Many thanks.


Please continue to use Lexia as normal over the half term holidays, if you can. It has such a positive impact on the children’s reading progress.


On Wednesday your child bought home their next reading book. This book has been read in school with them following the Little Wandle Scheme – it is directly matched to your child’s reading ability. We will read your child’s new Little Wandle book in school on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The book sent home on Wednesday is now for you to read and follow up at home.  Your child has also bought home a school library book of their choice – this is not matched to their reading ability and is therefore a book to share together.

We visit the library on Tuesdays and Thursdays where they can be changed.

Please record ALL reading in your child’s reading record so that we can see that reading, story sharing or other reading for pleasure has taken part every day at home.

Reading records and reading books are expected to be bought into school every day to be monitored and to record when your child has read in school.

This week all groups have been revisiting sounds learnt earlier in the term, so no new sounds this week or next.


Apologies, we didn’t get the spelling test done today. We will keep the spelling words the same for over half term:




We’ve been really focusing on cementing the children’s knowledge of bonds to 10 this week. Please could you continue to practice these over the holidays. The way we do it in school is that an adult calls out a number and then children then reply with the corresponding bond to 10. Eg adult calls out 8, the children reply with 2 etc.