Home Learning

Half Term Home Learning


Over the half term please continue to read daily. You can share your child’s learning to read book, reading for pleasure book from the library and lots of other books that you have at home. Please record this in your child’s reading record. Children in Year 1 will be sitting the Phonics Screening Check in June. Reading at home will help to keep the sounds fresh in their minds and will support their segmenting and blending.


Next half term our topic is called ‘Moon Zoom’. As part of this topic we will be looking at different types if materials and their properties. You can help at home by exploring some of these together, talk about different day to day objects, for example a raincoat. Why do you think that material has been chosen? What properties does it have. Is it soft, bendy, waterproof, transparent etc.

List some everyday objects and their materials. These could be objects that you have found around your house. Think about the names of the materials, for example plastic, wood, cardboard, fabric. And why that materials properties make it the best for the job.


Next half term we will be focusing on money, time and measurement.

Over the half term please look at different coins with your child, talking about the value of each coin and how different amounts can be made. For example 5p can be made with a 5p coin on its own, or two 2p coins and one 1p coin. It is important that children understand that there is not a coin for every value e.g. there is not a 3p coin, however, that these values have to be made using different combinations.

Lots of children find this aspect of maths increasingly challenging as they we use fewer coins in day to day life. Looking at them at home together before we learn about them at school will make a huge difference.