Home Learning

Spellings and Maths

This week’s words to learn are:






Parents: all words are selected from the age-appropriate National Curriculum and are ‘tricky words’ that cannot be sounded out phonetically.


This week we have been learning about ‘more than’ ‘less than’ and ‘equal too’. The children have been using Tens Frames to compare amount of objects using this vocabulary.

Each child has a Tens Frame in their reading record, please support our learning this week by using this with different objects and talking about more and less. For example, you might show them 4 objects on the table, can you show me an equal amount using the Tens Frame. We are  encouraging children to fill the Tens Frame from left to right starting at the top as it makes it easier when comparing amount.

If confident encourage your child to ‘prove you wrong’! For example I think that 5 is more than 6, do you agree? Can they use their Tens Frame to show their understanding. We will continue with ‘more than’ ‘less than’ and ‘equal too’ next week.

Thanks for your continued support