Home Learning

Tuesday 5th May 2020

English task

Today, we would like you to use your 9 ideas from yesterday to begin to create your poem using the structure of the original poem by Kit Wright The Magic Box poem.

Please look at this link Day 12 and then write your three verses in your writing book.

Be as imaginative as you can and try to describe the things in your box so you draw pictures with your words in the reader’s mind. To help do this, close your eyes and really try to imagine the thing you are describing. What is it doing? Where is it? What does it look/feel/sound like?

We can’t wait to see your ideas later this week.

Arithmetic task

Spend about 15 minutes on TT Rockstars practising your times tables and you’ll be earning points for team Southill!

Maths task

Here are the answers to yesterday’s worksheet pages.

Today we would like you to have a go at Lesson 9 on page 35 of the Maths No Problem Textbook.

It is all about being able to solve word problems involving calculating change from an amount of money.

You’ll notice that you have to add amounts and then subtract so use the method you found worked yesterday to add and then use the inverse to subtract e.g. 1. column subtraction, 2. drawing a number line – putting the large number at one end – jumping back for the tens and then for the ones or 3. drawing the tens and ones (as shown in yesterday’s example) and then crossing them out to subtract.

First, cover the ‘Let’s Learn’ section of the page and then have a go at the ‘In Focus’ task. Then, uncover the ‘Let’s Learn’ section and compare the way they solved the problem to the way you did.

You do not need to do the ‘Activity Time’ task on page 37 as part of today’s maths task but perhaps you could set up and play shops with someone at home at another time.

Have a go at ‘Guided Practice’ part 1 and if you want to be challenged further, try question 2 but please know that this is a ‘next step’ challenge and does not have to be completed.

Finally, complete page 35 of the Workbook and have a go at page 36 if you want an extra challenge.

Topic Task – VE Day

It is VE Day on Friday so we’d like to link our topic learning this week to this important celebration.

First, read this information page that explains what VE is. VE Day

It is a tradition on VE day to celebrate by waving Union Jack flags and decorating homes with bunting so have a go at creating your own VE day bunting, paper chains or flags.

Extra Reading Material

If you are looking for something to read today, please head over to this link:

A Helicopter Tour of London

We wish you well with your home learning tasks.  Please get in touch via email if you have any questions or would like to share your learning.

We would also like to inform you that because Friday is a bank holiday, no home learning tasks will be set. We will therefore be asking the children to complete their spellings and times tables tests on Thursday. Thank you for your support with this.

Mrs Murray and Mrs Clark