Home Learning

Tuesday 5th May 2020


Continue with the Phase 5 Letters and Sounds phonics sessions online.

Remember, the Year 1 session is at 10.30 am. It can be viewed after at anytime on the Letters and Sounds YouTube channel ( link below) and stays on there so don’t worry if you are a day or so behind the videos are still available.




It is still important to read at home. 10 – 15 minutes each day will continue to make a big difference to your child’s reading. If you would like to swap your books please email Mrs Woods who will arrange this for you.

Her email address is    cwood@southill.dorset.sch.uk


English / Topic    

I really hope that you enjoyed yesterdays ‘sorting and classifying’ activity.

Today we are looking at ‘Mammals’. What is a mammal?

What the clips in the link below..  and have a go at the quiz.


Can you write some facts about Mammals that you have learnt today. We are going create our own ‘Fact File’ about different classification of animals throughout the week.

Try drawing some Mammals at the top of your page and writing some of the key facts underneath, 3 or 4 facts are plenty. Think about the facts that stick in your mind from the video!


Maths – Finding a part

Follow the link below. Today’s task focuses on ‘Finding a part’ linking addition and subtraction and the visual representation of this like in our bar models yesterday. We have use the ‘number bond’ diagram at school, you might know it as the ‘Part whole’ model. Recap this today using the activities in the link below.
