Home Learning

Daily Tasks – Wednesday 25th March

Good morning everybody!

Here are your tasks for today:


Mental Maths Game: Times Tables Bingo

Focus on the 6x tables. Ask your child to draw a 3 x 2 grid and put random multiples in the boxes – i.e. 12, 24, 72, 18, 60, 6. You call out a sum from the 6x tables and they can cross it off if they have the answer on the grid.

Maths No Problem: Textbook 5B Chapter 9 Geometry

Lesson 4 – Investigating Angles On a Line

Give your child time to look at the ‘in focus’ task.

Which words can we use to describe these angles? Ask children to recap for you vocabulary learnt in previous lessons: acute, obtuse and right angles. What unit of measurement do we use to measure angles?  Which angles would go together to form a straight line?

Let’s Learn: page 80 in the textbook – discuss the angles which have been paired to make a straight line.  Encourage your child to practise measuring the ables using the protractor.

Guided practice: page 81 in the textbook – can we calculate the missing angles without using a protractor if you know that the angle of a line is 180 degrees?

Workbook: Complete Worksheet 4: Pages 53-54


Reading Task: Your child should try to read for at least 20 minutes every day.

Daily Writing Task:

Watch the attached video, Pigeon Impossible – I challenge you not to laugh out loud at 2:00 minutes like I did!

Your task today is to plan the spy’s mission report about the events in the video:

  • list the events in order in your blue exercise book
  • think of the connectives and causal conjunctions you could use to link the events in order
  • what technical vocabulary might the spy use in his written report?
  • how much blame will the spy place on the pigeon?!


TOPIC: This week’s tasks are:

PSHE: Please click on the link at the bottom of this page to download and then read through the social story about Coronavirus together. Your child could write down any questions they might have after reading and you could discuss these together.

PE: Joe Wicks ‘The Body Coach’ is giving free PE workouts on his youtube channel at 9am daily from Monday 23rd March. This would be a great way to keep your child active during their time at home. No equipment is needed, just go onto his youtube channel and enjoy the daily workout! Follow the link below!

