
Handball, Bikes and Buddies

Handball, Bikes and Buddies


To celebrate a successful week back after half term, Year 6 were delighted at the news that they would have some more buddy time this afternoon. Not only that, but they would be able to play with the children on the bikes and trikes!

It was great seeing the Year 6’s being fantastic role models for the younger children and everybody seemed to have a great time.

Earlier this week, the children were also introduced to their new sport this half term…handball. A fast-paced game that involves short passing, movement off the ball and an accurate throw. The children seemed to thoroughly enjoy the experience and even remember some of the rules from when I taught them handball in Year 4.

Have a lovely weekend Year 6 and enjoy the Euros…C’mon ENGLAND!!


Mr. P


6 comments on “Handball, Bikes and Buddies

  1. All of that was soo fun! I didn’t think I like Handball but it turns out, I love it!!

  2. Amelia.L says:

    I loved bench ball today but I especially enjoyed playing with my buddy!I was so happy to see my buddy and I am exited for next week as well. Thank you Mr.P😀

  3. I love playing handball and going on the tricks with our buddy’s and play bat and ball was SOOO fun 🙂

  4. I really enjoyed playing with my buddy and playing handball. Thank you Mr. P.

  5. Looks like everyone had a great time and great picture of Will and buddy Josh 🙂

  6. I love spending time with my buddy. I could play with her all day.

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