Autumn Term 2024
Year 2
Welcome to Autumn Term in Year 2! The children are doing a great job at settling into the school year and we are beginning to get used to some new routines and expectations. We have already noticed the children being more independent in the mornings, bringing themselves into the cloakroom and sorting out all their belongings themselves. Please do encourage them to come in independently as much as possible.
Reading will run in a similar way to last year. We will do three group reads a week in school and some children will also be listened to by our volunteer readers when they come in. We will send home new reading books on a Wednesday and collect them in on a Tuesday. After half term, some of the children will be reading chapter books which will be changed fortnightly, as they are much longer texts. Reading records and books are expected to be in school every day please. Please make sure you are filling in the reading record so we can see how often/what the children are reading at home.
We will continue visiting the library every Tuesday and Thursday morning so that the children can all choose a book to share with an adult at home.
In Year 2, we now have a class novel which will be read to the children over the course of a half term. This half term it is ‘An Alien in the Jam Factory’ by Chrissie Sains. This was a really popular book with our previous Year 2’s and was a finalist in the Southill’s Favourite Book Comp last year.
As writers, we will be focusing on portal stories where we see characters being transported to magical, mystical lands. We will use Jack and the Beanstalk as our model text and will be focusing on using adjectives to describe the setting for our stories. Our next unit will focus on Goldilocks and the Three Bears, looking at the story from different perspectives.
As mathematicians, we will be focusing on place value, addition and subtraction. We will still work with numbers between 0-100 but in more depth, allowing the children to gain a greater understanding of number. We are also introducing an arithmetic book to the children this year. This is a separate book where they record their arithmetic work.
Project Learning
This half term we will be spending the first couple of weeks learning about ‘Living Things and their Habitats’ with our Science hats on. This follows on brilliantly from the children’s previous learning in Year 1. We will then focus on History, where we will be learning about the ‘Changes in Technology over the years’. We will finish with a Design and Technology topic before half term.
We will be planning an exciting trip, full details to follow.
Physical Education
Our PE lessons will be on Tuesday afternoons. Please make sure that children come into school in their PE kits on Tuesdays. As the weather gets colder, please make sure that the children have a warm layer to wear for outside lessons. Please make sure water bottles are in school everyday too. Please also ensure all belongings are labelled with your child’s name.
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