Home Learning

3rd June

Wonderful Wednesday

Phonics: Letters and Sounds Lesson 27 – reviewing and using what we already know. Join in with your whiteboards and pens (at home, you could carry on using your phoneme frames to help you or write in your work book). Remember, you can’t write tricky words in a phoneme frame.


Picture of the day: This is a scene from The Snail and the Whale. Talk about what is happening and what you can see. Today, have a go at writing a list of 5 or 6 things you can see in the picture. When you write a list, write each word underneath the last one, like this:




Sound out each word as you write it and use your sound board to help you. Listen carefully for any digraphs, trigraphs or letter blends.

Maths: White Rose Maths – The Snail and the Whale Day 3. Watch the video then try out the activities. Lots to look at and talk about today.


Drawing challenge

Choose some paper – have different shapes, colours and sizes to choose from. Then draw a picture of anything you like (if you are not sure what to draw, you could just draw some large circles, draw round your hand or draw something from The Snail and the Whale). Instead of colouring it in, can you fill the picture with patterns? Here are some ideas for you.

Getting Outside

Even if there is a change in the weather today, have fun on a nature walk outside. Here are some ideas of things to look out for – you might even see some snails. Why not stop and listen to what sounds you can hear as well? Watch this video about bird song to get you started.



Extra fun – playtime

Enjoy this episode of playtime at home – out in the garden.



Have a great day – more fun tomorrow, including art and outdoor play.