Home Learning

Daily Tasks – Friday 3rd April

Good morning everybody!

Here are your tasks for today:


Mental Maths Challenge: ÷10/÷100.

Write out and answer these 10 questions in your journal.  I’ll post the answers on Monday!

470 ÷10 =

50 ÷ 10 =

263 ÷ 10 =

84 ÷ 10 =

1.9 ÷ 10 =

520 ÷ 100 =

387 ÷ 100 =

406 ÷ 100 =

25 ÷ 100 =

7.3 ÷ 100 =

Maths No Problem: Textbook 5B Chapter 9 Geometry

Lesson 13: Investigating regular polygons. (I have purposefully skipped lessons 11 and 12)

In Focus: Look at and discuss the In Focus task on page 114.  What does make a polygon regular?  Discuss the fact that a regular polygon is a polygon with both equal sides and equal angles.

Let’s Learn: Follow Let’s Learn section to explore how a polygon is or is not regular.  If you can, cut out some polygons and follow the Activity Time task at the bottom of page 116.

Guided Practice: During Guided Practice, children are using a protractor and a ruler to explore regular polygons.

Workbook: Complete Worksheet 13, pages 71 – 72.



Reading: Your child should try to read for at least 20 minutes every day.

Remember to log on to Accelerated Reader and complete quizzes for all the books you have read!

If you have a Lexia account, try to log on and complete at least 15 minutes a day.

Writing Task:

Parents, please dictate the following sentences for the children to write out, using their spellings set last Friday.

In class, I read the word to be tested first, then say the sentence, then read the word again.  Year 5, please rememebr to underline the word you are testing in your sentence.

Good luck and let me know how you get on!

  • In the ancient world, different cultures believed many different Gods and Godesses held control over humans and mortal life.
  • It would be a relief to have all his home learning completed.
  • Cycling is a leisure activity which helps you to stay fit and energised.
  • He was a brave soldier who fought fiercely to defend his country.
  • Sometimes we perceive things as what we want them to be instead of what they actually are.
  • something weird is going on in there and I don’t like it.

Here are your new spellings, please write some sentences of your own to include these words and keep practising ready for another sentence test during the Easter Break:








Topic: French

If you have completed your natural art task and would like to do something different, have a go at the French activity below.  Please do not worry if you can not complete everything, only do what you can 🙂

Have a watch of the espresso videos counting in French here:


Then have a go at the activity here:


Write out the sums in French in your learning journals.

Use these logon details – username: student10987        password: southill123