Home Learning

Friday 3rd April 2020


Please find the ‘Phase 2 to 5 High Frequency words’ sheet that I you used last week. Choose 3 words on the sheet to practise – I will leave this up to you.

Once you have chosen the 3 words practise them, you could:

Look, cover,  say, write, check

Count down – how many times can you write the word in 1 minute. We have played ‘beat the teacher’ so you could play ‘beat the parent’ at home. Who can write it the most times…. remember it has to be accurate.

Rainbow writing – use different coloured pens to keep repeating the same word. You could do this in a row or keep going over the top.

Tricky word games – you will be able to find these on Phonics play which you have been using this week.


English – Science

The Orange experiment.

Today please have a go at writing a prediction… use this link to watch the experiment. I would suggest watching it first before asking your child to write down their prediction so you know when to stop the video.. otherwise they will see!!

If you are able to do the experiment at home that would be amazing, all you need is 2 oranges/satsumas and some water.


Follow this structure for writing…

I think that the orange with the peel on will _______ in the water because _____________.

I think that the orange without the peel on it will _______  in the water because ____________.

Encourage them to talk about ‘why’ they think it will happen, do not worry if the are wrong! Talking and reasoning why is really important in science, it is all about linking ideas.



Please continue with the doubling activities set yesterday – keep going over and over the skill. Can you child show the same ‘double’ in different ways. eg. Double 5 on the tens frame and using Lego?

If you feel that your child is confident have a look at this document – Pages 17 and 18. There are some multiplication questions. These are designed to be challenging!! Perhaps you could work together to solve one of them. Take your time, talk through what you are doing and why. How could you show this. Would it help to draw some pictures? Would it help to model this on the tens fames? Remember, working through one question really well is more beneficial than completing them all without a clear understanding.



Thanks again for all of you support during the second week of home schooling – You are doing an amazing job!!