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Daily Tasks – Thursday 30th April

Thursday 30th  April

Good morning everyone.

Maths No Problem

1st Answer pages for Wednesday’s  Lesson 17

Today’s lesson: Chapter 8 Decimals …  Lesson 18 –  This is a consolidation lesson

Lesson Objective: To be able to apply knowledge of decimal numbers to solve problems.

Textbook pages:  57 & 58     Workbook pages   36

Lesson Notes: Mind Workout
Pupils use a calculator to find patterns in the quotient when 1 is divided by another whole number, and explore if it is possible to tell what digit is in the 10th decimal place in each case.

Maths Journal
Pupils write about the invention of decimals and describe everyday situations where decimals are used.

Self Check
Pupils complete this as a chapter summary and discuss what to do with their teacher if any boxes are not ticked.



If you want some more maths to do, or perhaps a break from Maths No Problem, go to the link below. It is by White Rose Maths who have created some video lessons and associated worksheets (+answer sheets) for each year group. It is very good and self-explanatory. Have a look and see what you think.



Mental Maths / Arithmetic

Today, spend some time on TTRockstars practicing your times tables so that you become automatic at knowing all time table facts.


Writing Task

We will continue with the Talk for Writing – King of the Fishes

T4W The King Of The Fishes

Today I would like you to:

1st … how good are you at story telling the King of Fishes? Do you need to practice it a bit more?

If you are confident in telling the story with great expression and maybe some actions, you could (if you want to) video yourself telling it and email it to me. I’d love to see how you are getting on and I’ll post them onto the class blog.

2nd do the tasks on page 16, 17, 18. This is all about planning your innovation



Don’t forget to practice this week’s spellings: early, earth, eight, enough, exercise.

Make sure that you know the meaning of each word. Perhaps you could write sentences with the words in.


Please don’t forget to read today. ‘The more you read, the more you know. The more you know, the more places you will go.’ You should be able to access the book quizzes and don’t forget to go on Lexia (if you have a log in) for 15 minutes each day. Well done everyone.