Home Learning

Daily Tasks – Tuesday 31st March

Good morning everybody!

Here are your tasks for today:


Please see the gallery below for last week’s Workbook answers.

Times Table Snap and Matching Cards:

Create a set of cards with separate times tables facts and answers. Challenge your child to find the matching cards in a game of snap. Alternatively, place the cards face down and take it in turns to turn over two cards. If the cards match, the player keeps the cards. If they don’t match, turn the cards back over and the next player takes their turn.

Maths No Problem: Textbook 5B Chapter 9 Geometry

Lesson 8 – Describing Squares and Rectangles

In Focus: Give your child time to look at the In Focus task and think about the problem. They need to make a list of rules with examples from the task. Can they come up with a list of facts about squares and rectangles e.g. they always have 4 sides; square sides always have the same length; opposite sides of a rectangle have the same lengths.

They need to understand the meaning of the terms quadrilateral, parallel and perpendicular. How many parallel sides do squares and rectangles have? Do the angles inside squares and rectangles always add up to the same amount? How can you prove this? Compare the terms parallel and perpendicular using a square. Continue to add to their list of facts.

Let’s Learn: Textbook 5B Pages 92 -94 Compare their list of facts with the ones the characters have created in Let’s Learn.

Guided Practice: Page 95 Complete the problems. Looking at a variety of quadrilateral shapes.

Workbook: Complete Worksheet 8 pages 61 – 62


Reading Task: Your child should try to read for at least 20 minutes every day.

Remember to log on to Accelerated Reader and complete quizzes for all the books you have read!

If you have a Lexia account, try to log on and complete at least 15 minutes a day.

Writing Task:

Film Review: Follow this link for the activity:

Film Review

Write a film review about your favourite film. Use the prompts as a guide for your writing. Remember to summarise the plot but don’t give away too many details! Would you recommend the film? Why/Why not?



Making Natural Art:

The Woodland Trust have come up with a variety of activities to help keep children busy during this time. Art and crafts are a great way for the children to be creative and inspired by the natural world.

They suggest collecting fallen leaves, petals and sticks and use them to make a picture or sculpture. You could even use the objects as ‘stampers’ or paintbrushes – dipping them in paint and rolling, brushing or stamping them on paper to create interesting patterns and effects.

Don’t worry if you don’t have a great amount of materials readily available – just use whatever you can find. We would love to see any photographs of your wonderful creations!

Follow the link for more information:


Daily PE

Don’t forget to keep following Joe Wicks’ PE Lessons on his youtube channel.
