Home Learning

Tuesday 31st March – Home Learning

Tuesday 31st March – Home Learning


I hope yesterday went well. No time to rest however as we have new learning goals to achieve today!

If there’s a piece of your child’s learning you would like to share, please feel free to send me a picture or video at t.prior@southill.dorset.sch.uk. If you have any videos or other fantastic pictures to share with the school about anything else you are doing at home, simply email them to Mrs Symonds at media@southill.dorset.sch.uk.

As always, stay safe and have a great day.



Remember to keep learning your spellings…








Challenge- can you use a dictionary in order to find the meaning of each word and write them in your very own impressive sentences?



Please ensure your children reads daily for at least fifteen minutes. A combination of them reading independently, out loud to an adult and letting them listen to the story being told by the adult is advisable. Simply record any reading in your child’s reading record book. Remember to also quiz your books.


Writing Task – Animal Occupations 

It would be great if animals could do the jobs that humans could do, right? Well, it’s time to let your imagination run wild! What jobs would animals be good at? Here are a few to get you started…

An octopus would make an excellent lifeguard because it could save 8 lives all at once.

A kangaroo would be an excellent Olympic athlete as it would win the high jump event easily.

An elephant would make an excellent firefighter because it already has it’s own hose to extinguish fires!


How many more can you think of? What about these animals…

Cheetah, owl, gorilla, giraffe, zebra, rhinoceros, snake, dolphin, cow, sheep etc… I’d love to know which animal could replace me as a teacher!?

Be as creative as you can and remember to use the conjunctions ‘as’ and ‘because’ in order to explain your answer.

You will have two days to complete this so, once again, take your time, perhaps plan it first and be ready to proof-read and write-up tomorrow.

Feel free to use mine to get your started. Remember to also start on a new line for each animal.

Arithmetic Task- Subtraction Satisfaction!


Time to brush up on subtraction…Remember the column method that we practised in class. Best of luck!


  1. 478 – 222

  2. 893 – 743

  3.  249 – 147

  4.  867 – 378

  5.  555 – 446

  6.  561 – 383

  7.  675 – 656

  8.  300 – 152

  9.  542 – 399

  10.  1000 – 741


I will post the answers to these questions on tomorrow’s blog. 🙂

Top tip- think about which number needs to go on-top.


Maths No Problem Task- Measuring Time in Seconds 


Workbook Answers from Monday- pg 43


Repetition (telling the time)– begin by putting the hands in different positions on the clock and give children the opportunity to calculate the time. Again, start with simple questions and progressively get harder. Inform children that they re going to be once again focusing on measuring time in seconds. Ask them how many seconds are there in 1 minute?

Challenge- how many are in 2 minutes 3 minutes, 4 minutes and 5 minutes?


Textbook- Begin on page 66 where children simply have to read two digital clocks and calculate how many seconds have gone by. This is relatively simple as the children simply need to just read the time on the second clock. Then move onto pages 69 and 70. Here, the children are looking at the seconds hand (green) and looking at counting in steps of 5 in order to calculate how many seconds have passed. Take your time on this as the children will need to read the questions carefully and count round accurately in steps of 5.


Workbook- Pages 44 and 45. Make sure the children write the name and date at the top of their page. Particularly on page 45, make sure that the children count round carefully and accurately when looking at how far around the clock the second hand has moved. They may wish to use the yellow clock to help them.

Top tip- the second hand in the workbook doesn’t have an arrow on the end.


I will post up the answers on Wednesday so that you can mark it together 🙂


Topic-based task 

Double, double toil and trouble;

Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Fillet of a fenny snake,

In the caldron boil and bake;

Eye of newt and toe of frog,

Wool of bat and tongue of dog,

Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,

Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing,

For a charm of powerful trouble,

Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Double, double toil and trouble;

Fire burn and cauldron bubble.


This week, we are sticking to the theme of poetry and we would love for the children to create their own witch (or wizard) poem. The aim of this is to keep the first two sentences and the last two sentences the same (Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble.’ However, we would like the children to innovate the rest of the poem and start getting creative with the ingredients!

Notice how the last two words rhyme? Can you do the same? If you would like to make your poem rhyme, the website RhymeZone is really helpful. Simply pop in a word and it will offer up suggestions of what it could rhyme with.

I’ve written an innovated poem to give you some idea of how it could look.

Remember, poetry takes time. You won’t finish this today. Play around with the words, think of disgusting ingredients and be resourceful.

Here is an example that you can read and magpie ideas from – Witch poem


Other Fun Ideas and Activities

Keen to do more?  Not ready to call it a day? Then why not give some of the activities below a go (who knows, you might enjoy it)…


Audible- a great app which you can download and contains many free books (great to listen to before bedtime).


Prior’s Top Audible Picks- Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – JK Rowling

-The World’s Worst Teachers- David Walliams

-Diary of a Wimpy Kid- The Meltdown – Jeff Kinney


Alternatively, if you’re a real keen Walliams fan, he is currently releasing a lot of chapters of his books for free! This includes an audio story from The World’s Worst Children every day for the next 30 days! Check out this link- David Walliams


Sumdog- Online maths and literacy questions delivered through entertaining games. Simply create a login totally free of charge, create an avatar and let your children explore and play. Mr Prior’s favourite game…JUNK PILE! It’s addictive- be warned. Parents- you can also set certain questions on there for your children to focus on. Any questions, please email me.


Maths Factor-  KEEN FOR EVEN MORE MATHS? Carol Vordeman has made her website free during this strange time…feel free to login and check out some of the activities- https://www.themathsfactor.com/


ICT- Fancy becoming quicker at typing and brushing up on your fine motor skills? Why not have a go at BBC Dance Mat Typing…Dancing for your fingertips…you know the drill…follow the link- DanceMatTyping


D&T- Feeling crafty? Then why not making racing caterpillars? It’s very fun (and can become very competitive). All you need for this is: paper (15cm by 15 cm), two straws, scissors and a pen. 🙂


LEGO Construction- What other scenes from Macbeth are you able to create out of LEGO?


Lexia- If you have a Lexia account, please feel free to login and try to do it for at least 15 minutes.


The Daily Mile- If you have a garden big enough (or a quiet field nearby) why not head out for the Daily Mile? 15 minutes…how many laps can you do?


PE- A number of dances to have a go at today. Remember to do this in a large open space and drink plenty of water. For Mr Prior’s favourite, skip to 3 minutes and 55 seconds :). Enjoy!