Home Learning

Daily Tasks – Wednesday 29th April 2020


Session 10: Writing your own story
Now that you have planned one or two different possible stories, you have all the tools required to start writing your own portal story.

Today I would like you to choose one of the plans from yesterday’s activity. Add some more detail to the chosen plan if you like and then write the opening, build-up and problem sections of your portal story.

You may like to write about a more traditional portal that leads you to a magical world,
or you may prefer to draw upon your personal experiences, as we have
explored throughout this unit.

To recap on all the key points we’ve been learning:
a. Describe the portal in detail. You may want to show the portal through
the eyes of the main character.
b. Think about what lies on the other side of the door. Allow yourself the
opportunity to write about what interests you and what is important to
c. Great writers steal ideas (‘magpie’) from other great writers. Reflect
upon the portal stories that you have loved reading and consider what
made these so engaging. Try to bring in some of these skills and
techniques into your own work.
d. Enjoy it. Writing is all about sharing a passion for words, stories and the
world of possibility. If you love the story you are writing – so will
your reader.

★ Now write the opening, build-up and problem sections of your portal story, drawing on all that you have learned.


Answers to Mental Maths Quiz 6:8


Today’s task: Mental maths Quiz 6:9 complete first nine questions. 


Maths No Problem

Answers to yesterday’s White Rose angles of polygons activity:

Note: Your answer to White Rose question 3 should include an explanation that mentions Dani’s lines overlap therefore the wrong number of triangles were drawn. 

An apology from Mr Smith… I only wanted you to answer questions 1-3 but forgot to point this out in yesterday’s blog so please forgive me if you spent ages working on question 5 which was a bit tricky. Well done if you finished it though!


Answers to MNP workbook pages 153/154:

  1.  7              2.   7.4               3.   9

Today’s task:

Chapter 14 Lesson 2. Read and complete the In Focus task.  Tips and hints:

  1. You will need to work out the average number of goals scored by the teams in each group. Which type of average do you think you should work out? Check in your maths revision book if you are not sure.
  2. You could count up the footballs in the picture for each group and share them out equally by drawing the footballs one at a time next to each team. Of course there are quicker ways of working out the average too.
  3. Remember an ‘average’ gives us a rough indication and not the actual number of goals scored by a team.

Read the Let’s Learn section through carefully.   Complete the Guided Practice section questions 1 and 2. Watch out: some of your answers will contain fractions as in the Let’s Learn section. If you are dividing something by 3 then your fractions will have a denominator of 3. 

Bonus Challenge: Today’s World Cup groups and goals all come from a real tournament. Who went on to win the tournament?  

How are you doing on Times Tables Rock Stars? What is your high score? Whenever you achieve a record score why not take a screen shot and send it to me?