Home Learning

Monday 18th May 2020

English task

This week our learning will continue to be linked to the story of ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker.’

Today, you are going to be designers! We’d like you to have a go at the activity described in the following link Day 6.

Once you’ve drawn your designs, please add labels to explain what is what.

See if you can use what you know about each of the elves to make their clothes special to them in some way. e.g. Jas likes playing with words so perhaps he could have pictures of letters or words on his suit, Pepper likes asking questions so perhaps he could have a pocket in his hat to store a pencil for writing down answers, or perhaps they could all have their initials on their clothes somewhere.

Have fun being as inventive and creative as you can.

Arithmetic task

On Friday this week, you will be asked to count back in 3s, writing out each multiple of 3 from 36 to 3.

So today, arrange your multiple of 3 cards from last week in a line, from 36 to 3. Then, practice counting back by pointing to the numbers and saying them aloud. See how quickly you can do it.

Extra challenge: Ask someone to start counting back from 36 in 3s and to stop at any number. See if you can continue the sequence, counting back to 3, without looking at your number cards.

Maths task

Here are the answers to Friday’s worksheet pages.

This week we are continuing to learn about volume.

We would like you to look at Lesson 6 on page 196 of the Textbook which is all about solving word problems involving volume.

Start by talking to someone about the ‘In Focus’ task. Have a go at solving it and then read through the ‘Let’s Learn’ section to see how the Maths No Problem children solved it. Did you do it the same way or a different way? Did you get the same answer?

Remember, you can use a number line, the column method or draw pictures of tens and ones to help solve these problems. The Maths No Problem children have also used bar models to help ‘see’ the problem so you could draw these too if they help you.

Then, have a go at the ‘Guided Practice’ section of the lesson, talking to someone about it and explaining how you worked it out.

Finally, complete Worksheet 6 on pages 165-166 of the Workbook.

Reading Material

If you are looking for something to read today, please head over to this link:

Superhero Times Activity Card

We hope you enjoy the learning tasks today. Please email if you have any questions and to share your learning.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Mrs Murray and Mrs Clark