Home Learning

Spellings, Times Tables and Geography

Christmas spellings are:

Super Spellers






Sparkly Spellers






Once you have learned all of your spellings, you could challenge yourself by seeing if you can put each word into a sentence.

They will be tested on Friday 6th January.


If you have a Lexia Login please try to do some at home – we are all trying to meet our weekly targets. It doesn’t matter if you have already met yours; the more you do, the better you get!

If you finish your reading book you can complete the quiz at home. Don’t forget you can quiz on your library book or home books too. (Not all books have quizzes but it’s worth typing in the title to check). Remember to take your time and think about the correct answer.


Over Christmas I would like the children to focus on practising their 2, 5, 10, and 3 times tables. In January they will be tested on 10 random questions from a mixture of the 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s, so it’s really important they are feeling confident in all of them. Please use TT Rockstars to practise 🙂

They will be tested on Friday 6th January.


Our new Geography topic next term is called ‘Rocks, Relics and Rumbles’. A knowledge organiser was sent home today which outlines everything we will be teaching the children next term. In preparation for our new topic, perhaps you could complete one of the projects below:

  • Create a model of the layers of the Earth using a range of materials. Label each
    layer and write a short description about each layer’s features.
  • Make an information poster about Mary Anning, the famous fossil collector.
    Include images and interesting facts. Share your poster with a family member
    once it is complete.
  • Write a poem on the theme of volcanoes. You might like to write about an
    eruption, a specific volcano that you have learned about or the damage caused
    after a volcanic eruption. Try to include expanded noun phrases in your poem.
    For example, scorching hot, exploding lava or jet-black clouds.