Home Learning

Thursday 26th March 2020


Today’s sound to recap is /ie/. This is a digraph which means two letters working together to make one sound. The I and the E making the /ie/ sound is usually seen at the end of words.

Visit phonics play    https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk       you will find the game ‘Burried Treasure’ in the ‘free phonics play’ section. Click on ‘Phase 5’ which is down the side of the screen on a pink tab and then scroll down to the game ‘Burried Treasure’ you then need to select ‘Phase 5’ again and it will ask you to choose your sound. Today choose ‘ie’.  We have played this at school so the children will be familiar with it.

Next Segment and write these words together….  lie    tie    pie . Explain that sometimes at the end of a word with the /ie/ sound you might see an S or a D. For example, fries or tied.

Finally write a silly sentence using these words. For example, I eat my tie with fries. Focus on applying capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.



Following on from yesterday’s activity – verbally retell your instructions to remind each other what you have made and how you did it. Don’t forget to those time connectives ‘First’ Next’ ‘After that’ and ‘Finally’.

Using the same structure as you did for Monday’s instructions write up your new set of instructions. Try and write one section at a time focusing on verbalizing what your are going to write several times before starting e.g. ‘First twist your pipe cleaner around your pencil.’  Now read it back – have you stretched out the words to make sure that you have written all of the sounds. Have you remembered your capital letters, full stops and finger spaces? Have you checked your tricky word mat for any spellings?



Get your number bond cards at the ready – with a partner one of you read the first part of the number bond and the other answer. For example  … 12   +     what ? = 20                 1  +   what?  =  10

You should be getting super speedy at recalling these facts accurately. As an extra challenge can you represent your number bonds. Perhaps you could use your Tens Frames that have been sent home or draw a number bond diagram using three circles? Now try drawing it out using different objects e.g. 3 green apples + 17 red apples = 20 apples.


Topic based task – Science

Take yourself outside into the garden and enjoy the beautifiul sunshine! Can you make a collection of all different things that you can find. For example, a flower, a worm, a leaf, a feather etc.

Next sort your objects into categories – categorising is an important skill. How many different ways can you sort the same objects.

For example…  Living and not living             Has legs and does not have legs        Green and not green