Home Learning

Daily Tasks – Thursday 26th March

Good morning everybody!

Here are your tasks for today:


Mental Maths Game: 100 more 100 less

Provide your child with a 3 digit number.  Ask them to give you 10 more than that number.  Then ask them to give you; 10 less/100 more/100 less/1000 more/1000 less than that number.  Repeat with different 4 digit numbers.  It may be helpful for your child to record the number in their exercise book and look at the place value of each digit when calculating the answers.  It may also help to begin with a 2 or 3 digit number to warm up their thinking.

Maths No Problem: Textbook 5B Chapter 9 Geometry

Lesson 5 – Investigating Angles At a Point

Give your child time to look at the ‘in focus’ task.

Discuss what is meant by angle x + angle y + angle z = 360º?  Can we check each of the angles using our protractor? Do all the angles equal 360? Give your child time to measure each of the angles using a protractor and add them together. What is the total?  Tell them that splitting angle y into 2 along the line between x and z will be helpful.

Let’s Learn: page 82 – 83 – Discuss Charles’s, Emma’s and Ravi’s methods for calculating the angles.  How do they differ?  Which do you prefer?  Why?

Guided practice: page 84 – Children need to find the missing angles by using or adding the given amounts and subtracting this from 360º.

Workbook: Complete Worksheet 5: Pages 55 – 56


Reading Task: Your child should try to read for at least 20 minutes every day.

Daily Writing Task:

Revisit the attached video, Pigeon Impossible – Did you laugh out loud?!

Your task today, if you did not already do this yesterday, is to write your spy’s Mission Report about the events in the video.

Think about structuring your report into paragraphs with a clear introduction and conclusion.  Remember your plan from yesterday and include all the language you had thought of.

Always remember our everytime toolkit – capital letters, full stops and commas!  Can you challenge yourself to use any other interesting punctiuation – brackets, colons, ellipsis?

If you have already written a Mission Report, you could use your time today to write another adventure for our spy in the video, maybe with another animal causing mischief and mayhem?!

We are sure you will feel really inspired by this task and we’d love to see your finished writing!


TOPIC: This week’s tasks are:

PSHE: Please click on the link at the bottom of this page to download and then read through the social story about Coronavirus together. Your child could write down any questions they might have after reading and you could discuss these together.

PE: Joe Wicks ‘The Body Coach’ is giving free PE workouts on his youtube channel at 9am daily from Monday 23rd March. This would be a great way to keep your child active during their time at home. No equipment is needed, just go onto his youtube channel and enjoy the daily workout! Follow the link below!

