Home Learning

Wednesday 6th May 2020


Continue with the Phase 5 Letters and Sounds phonics sessions online.

Remember, the Year 1 session is at 10.30 am. It can be viewed after at anytime on the Letters and Sounds YouTube channel ( link below) and stays on there so don’t worry if you are a day or so behind the videos are still available.




It is still important to read at home. 10 – 15 minutes each day will continue to make a big difference to your child’s reading. If you would like to swap your books please email Mrs Woods who will arrange this for you.

Her email address is    cwood@southill.dorset.sch.uk


English / Topic

I really hope that you enjoyed watching the ‘Mammals’ video yesterday and having a go at the little quiz. Thanks to everyone who sent pictures – I love all of the different fact sheets!

Today we are looking at ‘Amphibians’

What the clips in the link below..


Follow the same structure that you used yesterday to create the next page in your Fact File!


Maths No Problem  – Chapter 14 Fractions

In Focus – Page 58. You will need a piece of square paper.

Look at the picture of Holly and Charles. Ask them how many ways they can find to share the piece of paper equally with a friend. Prompt them to find more than one way of splitting the paper by folding it. Emphasise that they need to share the paper ‘equally’ and introduce the term ‘half’. 1 of 2 equal parts.

Lets learn and Guided practice- if you can have the shapes cut out. Make them look like the shapes in the guided practice. Focus on finding the shapes that are showing half. Remember that means the whole is split into 2 equal parts. It is really important that they understand the 2 parts have to be equal.

Only move onto the workbook if your child is confident with the concept – if not continue with the activity and guided practise. We all learn at different rates so please do not worry.

Workbook – complete work book pages 67 and 68. At school the children would try to work through these questions independently with an adult to guide them through what the question is asking for, reading when needed and modelling where to write the answers. If you are able to support this at home that would be great, the aim here is for children to apply the skills they have just practised.