
Are you fit to be a Pharaoh?!

This week in Year 5 we have spent some time learning about famous pharaohs such as Rameses II, Thutmose, Khufu and Tutankhamun.  We were fascinated by the status Pharaohs received in their times and the luxurious, yet accountable lives they lead, so we delved deeper into the actual role of a Pharaoh in ancient Egypt.  Despite having plenty of Gold, riches, your every desire and need met and being worshipped as a God, Pharaohs also had a huge amount of responsibility!  They had to lead armies and protect their people, lead religion across the country, feed their people in harsh times, make laws and be present at every waking hour of the day following ceremonies for everything, even washing their face!

Well, we thought that it would fun to have a Pharaoh at Southill School so have a look at our job adverts, advertising for someone to meet our description and be the next Pharaoh for Southill School!


4 comments on “Are you fit to be a Pharaoh?!

  1. Molly Foster🦒 says:

    I love this topic so far it’s so intriguing

  2. I think I can be a Pharaoh

  3. I’m sure you could be Sophie!

  4. Ayla Litherland says:

    I loved this but the question is do you have what it takes to be a pharaoh?

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