
Temporary Behaviour Policy

Behaviour Policy
Amendments for reopening period June 2nd 2020

In light of the need for children to behave differently when they return to school, and the many new systems we have put in place to support that, we’ve made some temporary changes to our behaviour policy.

Our core aims, principles and intentions of our current Positive Behaviour Policy, will remain unchanged. We will continue to maintain the school ethos and promote our school values of resilience, resourcefulness, reflectiveness and reciprocity.

We will be mindful of the need to support our pupils with their transition back to school, providing clear guidance on the changes to school routines, and frequent reminders of our expectations in an age-appropriate way. We will take into account the possible impact of the virus and lockdown on pupils in the event of considering any sanctions i.e. the impact on mental health/wellbeing of being out of school for this period, anxiety, impact on their family, bereavement and concern for family members. Where a pupil has a special educational need, we will consider the impact on their behaviour of being out of school for an extended period. Southill Primary School will maintain its high expectations for every pupil and will continue to use our established strategies, as outlined in the Positive Behaviour Policy, to provide consistency and clarity across the school.

We would be grateful if you could share this with your child before they return to school.

Children must:

  • consistently follow new routines for arrival and departure
  • always follow school instructions on hygiene, such as handwashing and sanitising
  • stay in class groups at all times, following instructions on who they can socialise with
  • move around the school following specific instructions, using designated pathways and avoiding areas that are out-of-bounds – such as where they can or cannot play
  • follow instructions for playtime games (eg no contact)
  • follow guidance for sneezing, coughing, tissues and disposal (‘catch it, bin it, kill it’)
  • try hard not to touch mouth, nose and eyes
  • tell an adult if they are unwell
  • follow class rules about sharing any equipment or other items including drinking bottles
  • use only the designated toilets and ask staff before going (so that numbers using the toilet can be monitored)
  • not cough or spit at or towards any other person

Most children will, of course, understand this new policy and comply without difficulty. Under the current restrictions, there are fewer opportunities to reward positive behaviours but we are keen to do this, fitting as it does with our ethos of being an outstandingly happy school. For instance, children will be given postcards, we’ll send individual messages by Ping and each class will run their own system of rewards.

Where necessary, red and yellow cards will continue to be used by staff to provide an escalating scale of sanctions.

Disregarding the behaviour policy in a way that would compromise others’ safety will result in a school place being withdrawn, ie exclusion for the remainder of the period our current opening arrangements are in operation.

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