
Dear Diary…

Dear Diary…


Over the past few weeks, we have been reading ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’. Using this as our stimulus, children began to write diary entries pretending to be one of the four Pevensie children. Picture the scene…


-Bombs falling out of the sky

-Sirens bellowing at the top of their lungs

-Panic and confusion in the streets of London.


We are of course talking about the air raids that took place during World War Two. We watched the opening to the film and the children then wrote diary entries about their experience of the war and being evacuated to the country. The children really had to think carefully about how the character would have felt based on their predicament and also taking into consideration their character’s personality.

Today, a few children were chosen to perform their diary entries and, I’m sure you’ll agree, they are AMAZING!


Mr. Prior


One comment on “Dear Diary…

  1. I absolutely loved performing my diary entry on the blog! It was fantastic! I’m so excited to keep learning about it in writing. BEST LESSON EVER!

    P.S.(I am now famous!)

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