
How to Make a Jam Sandwich

Today in year 1 we have been following instructions.
At about 9.30 some of us started to feel a little bit peckish! Luckily Miss England had left behind some instructions for how to make a jam sandwich which we would be able to follow.

I went first, but unfortunately there were a few problems along the way. We quickly realised that Miss England had gotten the instructions muddled up as my sandwich was looking a little bit iffy to say the least.

Luckily year 1 are instruction experts. They were able to identify the adverbs of time and use them to put the sentences in order… first, next, after that, then and finally.

To check that we now had the instructions in the correct order we all followed them and had a go at making our very own jam sandwiches. What great fun we had. Well done year 1!

2 comments on “How to Make a Jam Sandwich

  1. Brilliant. Dylan was so proud of himself and he ate it on the walk home.

  2. Hannah Ashworth says:

    Good work, year 1! Some delicious looking jam sandwiches there.

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