
Into the Abyss…

Into the Abyss…


Today, the children were introduced to their new topic…BLUE ABYSS!

We began by watching an episode of ‘Blue Planet’ featuring the legend Sir David Attenborough and the children were blown away with some of the creatures that lurk in the deep oceans. It was also eye-opening just how difficult it is for these creatures to survive and thrive.

After this, we used atlases in order to identify where the five oceans are in the world . The children were also required to locate the Equator along with the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

Finally, they used online sources and books in order to find out interesting information about the various oceans that cover 71% of our planet.

Well done, Year 4. A great start to our plunge into the abyss.

Mr. P

2 comments on “Into the Abyss…

  1. Mrs Jones says:

    Albert is so excited for this topic!

  2. Becca Sanderson says:

    Izzy’s excited for this topic too!

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