
Keeping our balance in Year 5!

This half term in PE, we have been developing our gymnastic skills with a focus on balance and control. We have thought about holding our tummies in, backs straight, legs and arms pointed to hold ourselves still so we can balance on two or one points of contact with the floor. We have then used those skills to hold balances on the equipment, some of us quite high!

Once we had our balance under control, it was easy to move our skills into more movement and develop our rolling and leaping skills. We used our tummy tucks and balance to hold ourselves steady, tuck our heads under and away we went!

What a brilliant term Year 5, we have loved using the equipment and transferring our brilliant PE skills inside. Have a look for yourselves and see our amazing gymnastic balance and skill!

2 comments on “Keeping our balance in Year 5!

  1. thank you Mrs hill realy really enjoyed that

  2. You’re welcome Tia, it was a fun lesson and you all did really well!

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