
Keeping things in perspective!

This week, year 4’s topic lessons moved on to art. During this hands-on, technical and interesting unit, the children are learning all about perspective and how to draw it. This includes using line and value to create a sense of form, understanding vanishing points and light sources, using perspective to create a sense of atmosphere, and taking inspiration from other artists such as Patrick Hughes.

So far this week, the pupils have understood the difference between shape and form, and how although a page is 2D, we can create the sense of 3 dimensions by manipulating line and adding value (lights and darks) to our drawings. They then went on to study vanishing points, understanding that things look smaller as they get further away – so to draw that accurately we need to follow the receding lines to the vanishing point. We always like to finish our art lessons with an art gallery where the children observe each others work too – a great way to reflect.

We are so impressed at how well the pupils all took to this; everyone giving it their best shot with spectacular results! Well done Year 4!

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