
Mad For Mass

This week in year 1 we have been looking at the ‘mass’ of objects.

The week started off with an object hunt around the classroom and the school grounds – sorting objects into two categories ‘heavy’ or ‘light’. Some of the objects we could physically lift up and feel, for example pens and pencils but some of the objects we could not. For objects that we could not pick up we used our knowledge of the material that the object was made from and its job. This helped us to decide if we think it would be heavy or light.

We then moved onto using the balance scales and cubes to begin weighing and compare different objects from around the classroom. We know that when the scales are balanced the mass of the two objects being compared are the same, therefore they are of equal weight.

In year 1 we are starting to understand that the size of the object does not tell us if it is heavy or light. Smaller objects can be heavier (have more mass) – for example a rock is smaller than a feather but the rock would likely weigh more. This is a concept which we will continue to focus on across the week and will be further developed into Year 2.


Well done year 1 – another busy but brilliant week!

Proud of you all!!

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