
Perfecting Percentages

This week in Maths, Year 6 have been learning all about finding percentages of numbers. At the start of the week, this was brand new learning so they had to be really resilient in order to learn the process needed to find percentages of numbers.

We started with percentages that only require one step, such as: 10%, 1%, 50% and 25%. This also required the children to use their knowledge of division and fractions in order to answer the questions correctly.

Once we were confident with these calculations, we moved onto more challenging questions such as: 45%, 99%, 19%, 21% and so on! The children had to think of ways in order to make up these percentages ( for example in order to male 45% you could find 4 lots of 10% and then half 10% in order to find 5%). The children needed to be even more resilient and reflective here!

I was so impressed with everyone’s attitude towards their learning: they worked incredibly hard to answer a range of challenging questions.

Well done Year 6! Brilliant Maths learning!


2 comments on “Perfecting Percentages

  1. Molly Foster says:

    Love it❤️❤️❤️

  2. Renata Campos says:


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