
Perfecting Perimeter

Perfecting Perimeter


In maths this half term, we have started to learn all about length and perimeter. At the beginning of the week, we focused on converting various measurements and over the past two lessons, we have focused our attention onto calculating the perimeter of various two-dimensional shapes.

We began by discussing what we mean by the word perimeter. We soon noticed that there was a word hidden in perimeter that gives us a clue on what to do…PeRIMeter.

That’s right, perimeter involves calculating the outside measurements of the shape (the rim). We started to look at compound shapes and how best we could calculate the perimeter to ensure we are precise. It was fascinating hearing the various methods that the children themselves came up with. Some children used number bonds in order to combine the measurements, making them easier to add. Some children chose a vertex and then traced their finger around the shape, adding up the measurements along the way. Some children simply started with the bigger measurements and continued to add them in size order.

It was great seeing the children not only calculating the perimeter of different shapes but also explaining which method they chose to solve the various problems.

Great work, Year 4!

Mr. Prior

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