
Push and Pull

This afternoon Year 2 were introduced to their new companion project – push and pull. First, we watched a video about different machines such as cars, tractors, household appliances and simple machines that don’t use power such as scissors and wheelbarrows. The children learnt that machines are things that are made of different components that have moving mechanisms. We talked about the different machines we have at home at school such as coffee machines and interactive whiteboards. The children could think of lots of examples!

Next, the children worked in groups to create posters of different machines. They worked in their groups to discuss and write down how the machine helps people, gets it power, which parts move, and how they move. We shared each poster with the rest of the class.

We also made a fun sliding mechanism! The children were brilliant at following instructions as we did it step by step all together. Take a look at our creations! Well done, year 2!

One comment on “Push and Pull

  1. Lucy Desmond - Weeks says:

    Ostin absolutely loved this lesson, he came out with his ‘mechanism’ & couldn’t wait to tell us all about it all the way home!!! Thank you so much for another fab day in year 2!!

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