
Stormbreak – The Silent Rollercoaster

Stormbreak – The Silent Rollercoaster


This week in Stormbreak, we have been focusing on Resilience. We know that resilience is all about developing inner strength and courage and growing our ability to keep trying and ‘bounce back’ from difficult situations.

Our session today was called ‘The Silent Rollercoaster’. The children watched a virtual rollercoaster and they had to imagine that they were on the ride. Using just their facial expressions and body language, children had to show how they were feeling at various moments on the rollercoaster. We had a lot of fun with this! Children did however find this difficult. Not talking for an entire minute? You can imagine the outrage. Children therefore had to be resilience and only communicate through their actions.

We then reflected on this task and how difficult it was expressing our emotions without verbalising it. We discussed the importance of talking to someone, maybe a trusted adult, friend or even a pet in order to release some of the anxieties and worries that we may be feeling. Keeping it bottled up can be far worse!

Feel free to watch the children on the virtual rollercoaster below. You won’t be disappointed…







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