
Super Senses!

This week in year 1 we have continued learning about animals including humans, as part of our Paws, Claws and Whiskers topic.

As part of our learning we have been looking at super senses! As the weather has been so lovely over the past week we decided to take this learning outside. We started off looking at our own bodies identifying, naming, drawing and labeling the basic parts of the human body saying which part of the body is associated with each sense.

Below you can see some pictures of us on the playground drawing around our friends, labeling their body parts and linking these with the senses. Back in the classroom we then talked about different animals and how some of them use their senses to hunt food and protect them.

We talked about how owls have amazing sight due to their telescope shaped eyes and how their pupils allow lots of light in to support them with seeing in the dark. We also discussed some information about spiders that we read in our ‘Amazing Animals’ book. Did you know that most spiders have eight eyes! We were surprised to find out that, although spiders have lots of eyes, they are actually short sighted which means that objects that are in the distance actually appear blurry. However, the most surprising fact of all was that butterflies taste with their feet!! As we know, humans use their mouths and tongues to taste and have thousands of taste buds. This is different for butterflies who actually have taste glands on their feet!

WOW! We have learnt so many new animal facts this week using books and computers to find out information! Here is a link to The National Geographic Amazing Animal videos that we have been using if you would like to find out more at home…

A great week year 1. Well done!



One comment on “Super Senses!

  1. George Murray says:

    I liked drawing around James.

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