
We love a bit of BOOK TALK!

We love a bit of BOOK TALK!


Every week this academic year, we have explored various books and spoken about them. We discuss the character, make predictions and inferences, highlight certain vocabulary and explain whether or not it would be a book that we would consider reading. After we have talked about the book, the children then have a go at answering some comprehension questions based on the book to see how much they have understood the story.

After revealing that I would be doing a blog post about Book Talk, I asked children if they had read one of our recommended reads to come and have a photo taken with the book. I was inundated with children who were keen to share the books they were inspired to read after a particular book talk session they had experienced. This filled me with joy as Book Talk is not only about developing children’s speaking and listening skills, not only is it about developing their ability to answer comprehension questions but it’s also about introducing children to exciting books and inspiring them to read.

Well done, Year 4! I wonder what book we shall delve into next…

Mr. P

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