
Welcome to Year 1!

We have had a fantastic first week in Year 1!!

Each morning we have spent some time choosing with our friends – it has been lovely seeing everyone back together and myself and Mrs Jones have really enjoyed spending this time in the morning getting to know everyone in our new class.

We have then moved onto phonics where we have been using our new phonics packs and sound mats to recap our reception learning and apply sounds that we are already familiar with.

Next its break time – yay! After playing outside we wash our hands ready for snack and a story back in the classroom.

This is followed by whole class maths. This week we have been using our new maths packs and learning our new routine! We have been exploring the different resources in our maths packs, such as number lines, tens frames and 100 squares. Each day we have been having a practice at using these as they will be an important part of our learning as we move through year 1.

This week after lunch time each afternoon we have been working through our Jigsaw lessons. On Monday afternoon we met Jigsaw Jack who has been with us each lesson. He has helped us to create our class charter and thinking about what our classroom will look like when we are learning.

I would like to say an ENORMOUS well done to all of the children in year 1.  There are lots of new routines and things to learn in Year 1 and everyone has been trying their best with these and being very resilient.

A great first week year 1 – I can’t wait for next week!

One comment on “Welcome to Year 1!

  1. Sophie Murray says:

    George has really enjoyed his first week in Year 1 – exploring his new classroom, getting to know the new routines, using the new resources and spending time with his friends. Thank you Miss Curtis and Mrs Jones for all you’ve done to make the transition from Reception to Year 1 so smooth.

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