Home Learning

Daily Tasks – Monday 11th May

Monday 11th May

Good morning everyone.

Maths No Problem

1st Answer pages for Thursday’s  Lesson 5


Today’s lesson: Chapter 9 Money …  Lesson 6 –  Solving problems involving money

Lesson Objective: To be able to solve word problems involving multiplication of money.

Textbook pages:  75 – 77     Workbook pages   52 – 53

Lesson Notes: To begin this lesson, show pupils the In Focus task and tell them we are still learning to solve problems involving money. Ask them what they think the problems will involve today. Allow them to discuss the In Focus task and share their thoughts. Then work through the Let’s Learn section together. Hannah buys 3 bottles of apple juice for the party but she doesn’t know how to find the total amount. How could she find it? Find the answer using repeated addition and ask pupils if this is the most efficient method.

Then model partitioning and multiplication of the pounds and pence separately, and add the products together. Ask them to discuss each method and perhaps find out which they would feel most comfortable using. Display Let’s Learn 2. Allow pupils time to discuss and calculate solutions on mini whiteboards before asking for the answer. Pupils need to calculate the costs of the nuts and crisps separately using multiplication before adding the products to find the total.

In pairs, ask pupils to work on the questions in Let’s Learn 4 using mini whiteboards. Then invite a volunteer to model the calculation while the teacher agrees and records problem-solving steps on a flipchart for use during Guided Practice.

During Guided Practice, pupils are calculating amounts of money using addition, subtraction and multiplication.


WHITE ROSE MATHS    https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/

If you want some more maths to do, or perhaps a break from Maths No Problem, go to the link above. It is by White Rose Maths who have created some video lessons and associated worksheets (+answer sheets) for each year group. It is very good and self-explanatory. Have a look and see what you think.


Writing Task

T4W The King Of The Fishes

Today, finish off your story – writing section 6 – page 22

If you finished the whole story last week then today I would like you to practice your reading comprehension.

Open this link that will take you to Espresso


You will be asked for a username and password (maybe in another tab)

Username: student10987          Password: southill123

When the link opens, you will see 8 different books. Choose a different one from yesterday, read the extract, take the quiz and answer the further questions.



Weekly Topic Task

This week, we will have a look at some of the history of the USA.  I would like you to do some research into the Native American Iroquois tribe. You could investigate their: food; farming; hunting; clothing; homes; warfare; customs; language and beliefs; recreation; and arts and crafts. You decide how you want to present the information you find out (poster, non chronological booklet, powerpoint, your own idea).

I have attached some resources and links to get you going. Good Luck.










This week’s spelling are: accident, actual, address, answer, appear


Please don’t forget to read today. ‘The more you read, the more you know. The more you know, the more places you will go.’ You should be able to access the book quizzes and don’t forget to go on Lexia (if you have a log in) for 15 minutes each day. Well done everyone.


Other Resources you might find helpful:

You have probably seen that the BBC have created lots of video lessons and resources on their BBC Bitesize website which you can find if you follow this link:  https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach


Radioblogging,      https://radioblogging.net/

……. is another good site to visit. It is linked into Talk for Writing which is how we teach writing at Southill.