Home Learning

Daily Tasks Monday 11th May

Good morning everybody, I hope you had a lovely Bank Holiday Weekend and stayed safe in the sunshine at home!

Here are your tasks for today:


Mental Arithmetic: 12x tables.

This week we wil be focusing on our 12x tables.  Today I would like you to write them all down in order and rehearse saying them out loud.  How quickly can you repeat them?!  Are there any 12x facts you can recall automatically?!

Please access your TTRockstars account as well using your Purple Mash logon details and play some games.  Remember, your scores will count towards our whole school competition scores against other local schools this week!

Maths No Problem: Textbook 5B Chapter 11 Measurements.

Lesson 9: Converting units of time.

In Focus:  Discuss how we need to convert these times into the same type of time measurement so we can compare them. What does ‘convert’ mean? If I wanted to convert 3 years and 8 months into months, what information do I need to have? Discuss how we need to know how many months there are in a year. If I know there are 12 months in a year, how does that help me to find out how many months there are in 3 years? Once I know that 3 × 12 months is 36 months, what do I need to do next? (Add the 8 months. 44 months is greater than 38 months.) Can you find out how many years and months there are in 38 months? What would you do? Are there any other methods you can think of?

Take the time to explore the problem using multiple methods. What would you partition 38 months into? Would that help to find the answer? How many multiples of 12 are there in 38? How many months are left? Ask them if they can show this using long division. What would this look like?We have covered long division but a while ago!  Today, think about “groups of 12 in 38 and how many remaining?”

Let’s Learn:  Use Let’s Learn to work through the different methods you could use to solve the In Focus problem.

Guided Practice:  During Guided Practice, you are converting time from years and months to months and vice versa.

Workbook:  Please complete worskheet 9, pages 115 – 116


Reading:  Well done to those of you who are reading widely and completing quizzes, keep reading for at least 20 minutes a day and regulalrly complete quizzes for the books you have read.  If you have a Lexia account, please log on and complete at least 15 minutes a day.

Don’t forget your Book Buzzes! If you have recently read a book which you would really like to Buzz, send it through to me and I will include it in next week’s Home Learning blog post.


Please use your storymap to revisit our Talk For Writing ‘Rhiswanozebtah’ information text from Ted Splorer.

Today, we will work on some sentence imitations and use patterns from the Rhiswanozebtah report to create new sentences using similar structures and language.

1. Adverb starters to engage the reader.

Adverbs can be used to open a sentence when you want to give your reader a really juicy fact:

Amazingly, Rhiswanozebtahs like to burrow and, therefore, make their homes underground.

You can also use these adverbs to start your sentence:

  • Interestingly
  • Surprisingly
  • Weirdly
  • Intriguingly
  • Unusually
  • Astoundingly.

And I know you will be able to think of some other imaginative adverbs as well Year 5!

Now, invent some more really juicy facts about the Rhiswanozebtah and write them in sentences starting with an adverb to engage your reader.  Be as creative as you like with your inventions. For example:

Weirdly, Rhiswanozebtahs will sleep with one eye open.

2. Additionally plus a fact.

You can add on facts by using sentence signposts that signal addition, for example; additionally, in addition to, also, furthermore and moreover. 

Rhiswanozebtahs are large.  Additionally, their skin tends to be covered in feathers but, as they get older, the zebra stripes become more prominent.

Now rewrite these sentence starters and add to them by inventing some new facts about the Rhiswanozebtah:

  • Rhiswanozebtahs like to eat fish. Additionally, …
  • Some Rhiswanozebtahs sleep underground. Furthermore,
  • Most Rhiswanozebtahs can run at a speed of 30 miles per hour. In addition to this, …

Now try some of your own. Invent a statement about the Rhiswanozebtah and then add on to it using any of the add-on sentence signposts above, or some of your own!

Topic: History

Well done and thank you to all of you who have sent me your topic work, I am loving seeing your drawings and reading your research.  You are all staying so focused and resourceful it is just great to see!

This week we are going to be thinking about hisorical events which have happened in Weymouth and Portland.

Have a look at this website page, 10 Top Historical Facts about Weymouth.  Have a little read through and see if there is anything there you did not already know!

The Historical Facts are in the wrong date order, so your task is to draw a timeline in your journals and list the events in the correct order.

Now, imagine you could meet someone from any of those events and you have an opportunity to interview them.   Which questions would you ask them to find out more about their experiences?!